Mibolerone is an anabolic drug by classification, which was derived from Nandrolone, also has a strong androgenic effect. Since it is a powerful and dangerous steroid, there are respectively serious side effects. The dosage and duration of use must be taken into account during taking this drug. This medication is not recommended for beginner sportsmen such as athletics, bodybuilding, boxing, powerlifting.
Key Features
Despite the fact that this steroid drug is not so widespread, this does not prevent athletes from using it as a doping directly before the competition. This medicament provokes a surge of adrenaline into the bloodstream, contributes to the maximum increase in aggression, endurance and strength indicators. The usage of this drug shows high efficiency for several weeks or even days before the competition. This has a stimulating effect on the body, affects the intensity and impulsivity of training.
It is known that the anabolic effect of Check Drops from testosterone increases by 5.9 times, and the androgenic effect by 2.5 times. Since the drug has a strong estrogenic effect, antiestrogenic drugs such as for exampleClomidshould be used. In addition, Mibolerone inhibits the synthesis of luteinizing hormone, which in turn affects the normal functioning of the human reproductive system. This explains its progestin activity.

Most often, athletes use this drug for the purpose of increasing strength and stimulation more than for gaining mass. They respond well to the drug, which in a matter of minutes increases strength and energy, restores confidence in their abilities and a strong desire to train and achieve the highest results in sports. In addition to the miraculous effect of the drug on sports performance, athletes note that during the course of using this medication, problems with the liver and the sex hormone testosterone occur, but everything returns to normal indicators after correctly selected PCT.
History of creation
The history of this drug goes back to the 1960s in the United States. The drug was described in 1963 and was later used in veterinary practice to regulate ovulation by dogs. During laboratory experiments on animals, the drug showed a strong anabolic effect 41 times higher than methyltestosterone, and androgens 18 times higher.
At that time, it could only be purchased with a veterinary license for Mibolerone. Today, the drug is not found in the legal trade. The American regulatory body FDA has not approved the use of this type of drug for sports purposes. The drug was taken out of production more than once, but it remained in the circle of athletes. This drug so strongly stimulates aggression that more than once its use led to inappropriate behavior during boxing matches. Therefore, other athletes such as bodybuilders use drugs that are milder in action.

Pharmacologic effect
The main advantages of using Mibolerone:
- Strong adrenaline rush
- Provoking irrepressible aggression
- Increased strength indicators
- Stimulating motivating factors
- Increasing endurance, suppressing fatigue and exhaustion of the body, the ability to conduct intense training
- Unshakable self-reliance
It is known that the action of this steroid improves training performance and results. More details here https://anabolicmenu.ws/products/global-anabolic-cheque-drops-500/.
How to take the steroid and dose
This drug is not used for medical purposes. It is not included in any treatment protocol, it does not treat hormonal disorders.
Because of the severity and toxicity of this medication, the dosage is in micrograms. For athletes, the dose is selected purely individually in conjunction with a sports doctor. In general, the average dose of efficacy is up from 200 to 400 mcg. once a day.
However, to achieve the maximum anabolic effect, the dose can be increased to 5 mg, but this can have serious consequences and side effects on the internal organs. Therefore, Miboleroneis rarely used for a long time, but is used directly before the competition.